X/Y Antenna Ground Terminals: A Small Sat Cost Effective Approach

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With the insurgence of the small satellite Low-earth orbit (LEO) and medium-earth orbit (MEO) market, the demand for cost-effective ground terminals has never been greater. The advancement in small satellite technologies along with the ability to be launched in mass on hosted payloads has contributed greatly to this high demand.

With the new engineering technologies introduced in our X/Y antenna system, along with state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques, the cost to produce ground based antenna systems has been greatly reduced. This making it now possible for satellite operators, experimenters and universities to own their own dedicated ground systems.

In this white paper, you will learn:

    • The technical aspects of X/Y configuration and how it works
    • Detailed information about what the advantages are and how it relates to accuracy and performance
    • How this technology could provide significant cost savings

For more information, visit us at www.TrackMySat.com.